Zoom webinar
Zoom webinar

zoom webinar

Much in the same way public comment is handled during an in-person meeting, Zoom Webinar provides the host with a well-organized process during the public comment period through the attendee system. Another reason is the facilitation of public comments during meetings.

zoom webinar

When using the Zoom webinar format, the group is protected from these types of distractions because the host has ultimate control over the webinar experience. For example, if a person is in a regular Zoom meeting and they accidentally forget to mute their microphone, background noise can be very disruptive. The primary reason to use the webinar function is to reduce the likelihood of disruptions to the meeting and other mishaps during a live program. In this article, Tripepi Smith explores the key differences between Zoom Webinars and Zoom Meetings and recommends Council and Board meetings be hosted in the webinar format. Despite Zoom’s relatively simple interface, the platform has extensive features and capabilities. The user-friendly teleconferencing program allows people to host virtual meetings from anywhere with an internet connection. The Question & Answer (Q&A) feature for Zoom Webinars allows attendees to ask questions during the webinar and for the panelists, co-hosts and host to answer their questions.Most of us can say we’ve used Zoom at some point to meet with friends and family or attend a virtual event and if you’re in the world of local government, you’ve likely become very familiar with the platform as an alternative to in-person public meetings. Enter the email address associated with the user’s Zoom account.Choose another licensed CU Zoom user to start the webinar on the host's behalf.Automatically records your Zoom Webinar to the chosen location:.Restrict the webinar to only allow attendees who are logged into their Zoom account.Practice sessions are accessible by the host, alternative host, and panelists only.Set up and get acquainted with Zoom Webinar controls before starting the webinar.For more information on Q&A, please visit our Q&A overview.Allows attendees to post questions to panelists, co-hosts, and host via chat, and offers question moderation.Computer Audio: Participants can listen to the webinar audio through Zoom (recommended).Telephone: Participants must dial in to listen to the webinar audio.Determine how participants (including host and panelists) can join the audio portion of the meeting.Off: Host's and panelists' video will be turned off upon joining the meeting (video can be turned on by each individual).On: Host's and panelists' video will automatically turn on upon joining the meeting (video can be turned off by each individual).Decide if the host and panelists will begin the webinar with video on or off.By default, Zoom assigns all webinars a random 6-digit passcode (which can be changed).Password-protect your webinar to increase security.Collect registrant names, email addresses, and other information.Require your registrants to register before receiving the link to join your Zoom Webinar.

zoom webinar

  • To review permissions by role, please visit our Webinar permissions by role table.
  • Zoom Webinar roles include the webinar host, co-host(s), panelist(s), attendees.
  • Learning how to control the various webinar settings will ensure a better experience.
  • Visit our Zoom Webinar Settings information.
  • Your practice session will remain private to hosts and panelists.
  • To begin the practice session, start the webinar before the start date/time of your official event.
  • When setting up your event, enable Practice Session.
  • Prepare a presentation script ahead of your event for a more seamless experience.
  • Click Edit next to Invite Panelists, and enter panelist’s email address and name to invite them to your webinar.
  • Find your event page in Zoom, and navigate to the Invitations tab.
  • Delegate co-hosts ahead of your webinar to help manage participants.
  • Review the Zoom Webinar Settings information when setting up your event.
  • Configure your webinar settings, such as registration, passcode, Q&A, Polling.

    Purchase a Zoom Webinar license for more frequent usage.Rent a Zoom Webinar for a one-time event.Submit a ticket to request a Zoom Webinar license for your event.Best Practices Setting up your Zoom Webinar

    Zoom webinar