Improved sfx and music performance on entrances, including reported concerns related to the “Fiendish” CAE entrance.Addressed reported concerns with swapping partners in a tag team match.Improved consistency of thumbnails throughout Create A Superstar.Improved consistency of unlocking purchased CAS parts.

Added multiple correct crowd signs for various Superstars.Improved randomization consistency on superstars with fixed masks.Improved ability for players to apply images to CAS parts.Improved functionality of hair dye color tool.Improved compatibility between hundreds of different CAS parts.Added the “Facing Ringside” category in “Top Rope Taunts”.Added information for elements of Create a Moveset moves.Updated template data for arena templates.Improved graphical fidelity of custom championships.Improved camera angles in Create an Arena and Create A Superstar.Improved compatibility between many custom arena stage parts.Data cleanup throughout all create modes.Improved performance and stability within all create modes.Updated character likenesses for various Superstars.

Improved AI strategy for stunning opponents.Improved AI strategy for countering Running attacks.AI will now utilize the Ladder Bridge outside of Ladder Matches.General Tag Team AI improvements including less frequent pin breaks and more frequent pin defense.Improved logic for AI to execute contextual Finishers such as Catching, 1v2, and Announce Table Finishers.AI uses more positional variety in the corner, such as Top Rope Stunned.Increased attack speed for chair and stop sign weapons.Added various moves to Signature and Finisher move categories.Adjusted the damage on several moves that were failing to deal damage.Improved alignment on various dives and springboards.Updated movesets for various Superstars.Addressed reported concerns of players getting stuck on the chamber in an Elimination Chamber match.Addressed reported concerns of players getting stuck backstage.Added support for reversals for several moves.Addressed reported concerns of players losing functionality when interacting with objects at ringside.Polished hundreds of Superstar interactions to improve alignment, registration, and impact.Added game-wide options for graphics settings on PC (Extras/Graphics Options).
Full NXT 2.0 Arena and supporting broadcast packages are in-game!.Thank you for playing, and keep the feedback coming via our social channels!
Patch 1.09 is our biggest update yet, featuring some of our most popular community requests, stability and balance improvements, new MyGM features and much, much more.