2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length
2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length

2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length 2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length

It is a spectacular go everywhere do everything bike.

2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length

Och! I meant to add my conclusion: you are right to drool over the Hunqapillar. Could you imagine if it might allow even wider tire clearance?! A 650b Hunq that easily supports 2.3-2.5 tires seems almost too much to ask for! I think Riv might again be ahead off a curve that everyone else might mimic in some manner later. Now the idea of a 54 Hunq with 650b wheels and longer stays is very appealing. I've always had my eye on 52 Bombadils for the stout build and the 650b wheels. A big part of that I'm sure was riding ability but afterward he wrote a post raving about how smooth the Cheviot was for trail riding. He made riding every trail look smooth and downright graceful whistling all the way while the rest of us bounced off the trails a few times. What really impressed me about the longer stays was riding with Clayton and others at China Camp soon after he had bought his Cheviot. The Clem was just really smooth and fun and the 650b wheels felt like they were the perfect size for someone my height/proportions. The longer stays on the Clem made the Hunq feel almost twitchy and awkward by comparison (It's not!). At 5'10" and 85 pbh, I spent some time comparing the 54 Hunq and the 52 Clem at Riv HQ.

2013 trek stache 7 chainstay length